Innovation is the creation of an idea, practice or object that is perceived as new” E.M. Rogers, 1983. Diffusion of Innovations
CSE Services in Innovation
We believe that continuous innovation and change is a hallmark of a successful enterprise. We are dedicated to assisting in addressing the development of growth and profit and market leadership in clients through carefully tailored services.
The CSE applies it’s portfolio of services in helping clients exploit the potential of innovation. We carry out assessment and review of organisational readiness, technical capability and business risks in achieving innovative results. We employ workshops and case studies in increasing understanding. We establish an innovation process, and help to plan and monitor innovation projects. We help to extend the culture across the organisation.
As innovation is not a stand-alone activity, it needs to be embedded in the organisation so that it becomes an innovative enterprise. Frameworks are considered and selected to ensure that innovation fits, is activated, and is deployed in a commercially effective manner. The lessons learnt from others, the recommendations of innovation leaders, and the many tools available help to ease adoption and achievement of success from innovation. |
- Innovation Strategy and Leadership
- Innovation Management
- Creativity and Ideation
- Innovation Projects
- Knowledge Management
- Intellectual Property
- Types of Innovation
- Assessment of Innovation Capability
- Public Training Courses
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Training Based Programmes on Innovation